mardi 30 novembre 2010

Contrabande Machine demo 2e.mp4

The danish/french/sweedish ensemble Contrabande is working with programmer Julian John Hansen to do a Flash Game that involves Video and Sound recorded @ Studio laKanal, Montpellier.

The idea is, that the user can change which clip to see, change the volume of the clips and upload clips of their own.

This is a demo video. There is no interaction yet.

We hope to have the game ready around march 2011.

mardi 16 novembre 2010

Guillaume Séguron solo at Th. Gérard Philipe - 5 nov 2010

Guillaume will release a solo album on the label next year.

A short video part :

...and the full concert to listen :

lundi 8 novembre 2010

Jean-Pierre Jullian sextet at Theatre Gérard Philipe

Here are some photos of the last concert we organised, soon the music of the concert as well.
Jean-Pierre Jullian - drum
Lionel Garcin -sax
Aurélien Besnard - bass clarinet
Adrien Dennefeld - Cello
Tom Gareil - vibes

jeudi 4 novembre 2010

microscope 10 edition - divergence FM

Here is the 10th edition of "microscope", a monthly program conducted by Rude Awakening team on "Divergence FM" (in French sorry, but there is a lot of music to listen).
Special edition on "rythm section"